Part-time Jobs in Sri Lanka | How Pick n Learn Help You to Find Them

part time jobs in sri lanka
What is a part-time job, and what are the part-time jobs in Sri Lanka or teaching vacancies in Sri Lanka?
Do you need someone to help you out for a few hours a week, or need to take extra jobs to support your new business – you will probably come across a part-time job at some point in the career of your small business.
What is a Part-time Job
Simply a part-time job is working fewer hours in a week than a full-time job. Usually, a full-time job starts at 8.00 AM and ends at 5.00 PM. If you can do any additional job other than that 8-5 job, then that is a part-time job.
Let’s say you are a teacher and your office time starts at 7.30 AM and ends at 1.30 PM. So if you can work as a tutor after your office hours, then you are doing a part-time job at that time.
part time jobs in sri lanka
How to Find Part-time Jobs in Sri Lanka
It is no doubt that doing part-time jobs will definitely make your life easier. Also, the benefits are countless. But the most important one is, it will help you to make some extra money to cover your living expenses.
Generally, finding a part-time job is not a difficult task. If you search on Google about part-time jobs in Sri Lanka, and you will see a massive amount of results for your query. But the problem is to find a reliable source to find a part-time job.
Also, the job should fit with your talent and should make a decent income for your expenses. For example, let’s say that you have outstanding teaching skills. In that case, private tutoring would be an excellent option for you.
Recently a lot of skilled people are making a decent amount of income by doing private tuitions. But the real challenge is to find the right place and right audience to start with
How Pick n Learn App Help You to Find the Right Opportunity for You
The application Pick n learn has been developed to address the above problem.
This is an application that enables live location services of Tutor/ Institutions for students and parents. Therefore, both parties can take advantage of the application.
Parents and students can search for a tutor or an institution so that they can join for their higher education needs.
Also, the tutors and Teaching job seekers can offer their service to the students through the application conveniently.
So a win-win situation for both parties.
The application is available for both Android and iOS devices.
What Are the Benefits of the Application
The app offers several benefits for students, parents, Tutors, as well as institutions.
part time jobs in sri lanka
For Parents and Students

They can quickly locate the best tutors in your area. That is a time-saving advantage. Otherwise, you would need to walk around your area to find a matching tutor for you.
Another great advantage is they can schedule and request learning sessions with the tutor according to your convenience.
They can maintain a record of your classes, personal progress reports, and payments.

For Tutors and Institutions
Teaching jobs in sri lanka
They can accept class requests from the parents and students and schedule them according to your convenience.
They can post necessary class details through the application so that the students can see them.
The application helps them to keep a record of the progress of the student and payments made by them.
Apart from that, if you are a part-time job seeker with teaching skills, then this app might be your life-changing place. You can join with the app and serve your service to the students and parents who are seeking for teachers according to their needs.
If you are a person who was looking for part-time jobs in Sri Lanka or teaching vacancies in Sri Lanka, then this might be your turning point.

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